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E. Illi, Bouanani, F. E., Sofotasios, P. C., Muhaidat, S., Costa, D. B. D., Ayoub, F., et Al-Fuqaha, A., « Analysis of Asymmetric Dual-Hop Energy Harvesting-Based Wireless Communication Systems in Mixed Fading Environments », IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 5, p. 261-277, 2021.
M. Li, Bouanani, F. E., Tian, L., Chen, W., Han, Z., et Muhaidat, S., « Error Rate Analysis of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Residual Hardware Impairments », IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, p. 2522-2526, 2021.
L. Bariah, Muhaidat, S., Sofotasios, P. C., Bouanani, F. E., Dobre, O. A., et Hamouda, W., « Large intelligent surface-assisted nonorthogonal multiple access for 6G networks: Performance analysis », IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, p. 5129-5140, 2021.
O. S. Badarneh, Derbas, R., Almehmadi, F. S., F. Bouanani, E., et Muhaidat, S., « Performance Analysis of FSO Communications over F Turbulence Channels with Pointing Errors », IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, p. 926-930, 2021.
F. E. Bouanani, Muhaidat, S., Sofotasios, P. C., Dobre, O. A., et Badarneh, O. S., « Performance Analysis of Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Networks with Wireless Power Transfer », IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, p. 793-797, 2021.
E. Illi, Bouanani, F. E., Da Costa, D. B., Sofotasios, P. C., Ayoub, F., Mezher, K., et Muhaidat, S., « Physical Layer Security of a Dual-Hop Regenerative Mixed RF/UOW System », IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, vol. 6, p. 90-104, 2021.
R. Kishore, Gurugopinath, S., Muhaidat, S., Bouanani, F. E., et Dobre, O. A., « Sum Rate Analysis of Generalized Space Shift Keying-Aided MIMO-NOMA Systems », IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, p. 7232-7236, 2021.



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