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Journal Article
M. Amine, Kobbane, A., Ben-Othman, J., et Walid, A., « Two-sided matching framework for optimal user association in 5G multi-RAT UDNs », International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 33, 2020.
C. Boudagdigue, Benslimane, A., Kobbane, A., et Liu, J., « Trust Management in Industrial Internet of Things », IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 15, p. 3667-3682, 2020.
A. Walid, Kobbane, A., Ben-Othman, J., et M. Koutbi, E., « Toward Eco-Friendly Smart Mobile Devices for Smart Cities », IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, p. 56-61, 2017.
A. Abouaomar, Cherkaoui, S., Mlika, Z., et Kobbane, A., « Service Function Chaining in MEC: A Mean-Field Game and Reinforcement Learning Approach », IEEE Systems Journal, p. 1-12, 2022.
A. Filali, Mlika, Z., Cherkaoui, S., et Kobbane, A., « Preemptive SDN Load Balancing with Machine Learning for Delay Sensitive Applications », IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, p. 15947-15963, 2020.
S. Gmira, Kobbane, A., Machkour, M. E., et Ben-Othman, J., « A new model for cooperative cognitive radio network using coalitional game », Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, vol. 230, p. 405-415, 2018.
S. Gmira, Kobbane, A., Ben-Othman, J., et M. Machkour, E., « A New Energy Efficiency/Spectrum Efficiency Model for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network », Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 23, p. 1436-1448, 2018.
A. Filali, Abouaomar, A., Cherkaoui, S., Kobbane, A., et Guizani, M., « Multi-access edge computing: A survey », IEEE Access, vol. 8, p. 197017-197046, 2020.
M. A. Ahajjam, Licea, D. B., Essayeh, C., Ghogho, M., et Kobbane, A., « Mored: A moroccan buildings’ electricity consumption dataset », Energies, vol. 13, 2020.
I. Gryech, Ben-Aboud, Y., Guermah, B., Sbihi, N., Ghogho, M., et Kobbane, A., « Moreair: A low-cost urban air pollution monitoring system », Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 20, 2020.
A. Harbouche, Djedi, N., Erradi, M., Ben-Othman, J., et Kobbane, A., « Model driven flexible design of a wireless body sensor network for health monitoring », Computer Networks, vol. 129, p. 1339-1351, 2017.
A. O. Oualhaj, Kobbane, A., et Ben-Othman, J., « Mobile delay-tolerant networks with energy-harvesting and wireless energy transfer cooperation », Concurrency Computation, 2018.
S. Lhazmir, Oualhaj, O. A., Kobbane, A., et Ben-Othman, J., « Matching Game with No-Regret Learning for IoT Energy-Efficient Associations with UAV », IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 4, p. 973-981, 2020.
I. Gryech, Ghogho, M., Elhammouti, H., Sbihi, N., et Kobbane, A., « Machine learning for air quality prediction using meteorological and traffic related features », Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, vol. 12, p. 379-391, 2020.
B. Assila, Kobbane, A., et Ben-Othman, J., « Improving caching resource management: A pricing economic approach using Cournot, Bertrand, and Stackelberg game models », International Journal of Communication Systems, 2020.
M. A. Ahajjam, Licea, D. B., Ghogho, M., et Kobbane, A., « IMPEC: An integrated system for monitoring and processing electricity consumption in buildings », Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 20, 2020.
I. Gryech, Ghogho, M., Mahraoui, C., et Kobbane, A., « An Exploration of Features Impacting Respiratory Diseases in Urban Areas », International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, 2022.
M. A. Ahajjam, D. Licea, B., Ghogho, M., et Kobbane, A., « Experimental investigation of variational mode decomposition and deep learning for short-term multi-horizon residential electric load forecasting », Applied Energy, vol. 326, 2022.
R. E. Mezouary, Choukri, A., Kobbane, A., et Koutbi, M. E., « An energy-aware clustering approach based on the k-means method for wireless sensor networks », Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 366, p. 325-337, 2016.
Y. Ben-Aboud, Ghogho, M., Pollin, S., et Kobbane, A., « Electro-Smog Monitoring Using Low-Cost Software-Defined Radio Dongles », IEEE Access, vol. 9, p. 107149-107158, 2021.
A. Filali, Mlika, Z., Cherkaoui, S., et Kobbane, A., « Dynamic SDN-Based Radio Access Network Slicing With Deep Reinforcement Learning for URLLC and eMBB Services », IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 9, p. 2174-2187, 2022.
H. Tembine, Kobbane, A., et Koutbi, M. E., « Dynamic robust power allocation games under channel uncertainty and time delays », Computer Communications, vol. 34, p. 1529-1537, 2011.
M. - A. Koulali, Kobbane, A., Koutbi, M. E., Tembine, H., et Ben-Othman, J., « Dynamic power control for energy harvesting wireless multimedia sensor networks », Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2012, 2012.
S. Lhazmir, Oualhaj, O. A., Kobbane, A., et Mokdad, L., « A decision-making analysis in UAV-enabled wireless power transfer for IoT networks », Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 103, 2020.
A. Mabrouk, Naja, A., Oualhaj, O. A., Kobbane, A., et Boulmalf, M., « A cooperative game based mechanism for autonomous organization and ubiquitous connectivity in VANETs », Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 107, 2021.




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