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Conference Paper
M. Chraibi, Harroud, H., Khaddar, M. Ajana El, Elkoutbi, M., et Maach, A., « Policy Based Security Middleware as a Service », in 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE INTERNET OF THINGS AND CLOUD (FICLOUD), 2014, p. 322-327.
A. Echchaachoui, Elmahdi, F., et Elkoutbi, M., « OLSR-RAIP5: Optimized Link State Routing with Redundant Array of Independent Paths 5 », in PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES 2015 (MEDCT 2015), VOL 2, 2016, vol. 381, p. 201-210.
A. Echchaachoui, Kobbane, A., et Elkoutbi, M., « A New Trust Model to secure Routing Protocols against DoS attacks in MANETs », in 2015 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA), 2015.
J. Oubaha, Echchaachoui, A., Ouacha, A., et Elkoutbi, M., « New Method: Mapping of 802.11e into MPLS Domains, Conception and Experimentation », in DIGITAL INFORMATION PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATIONS, PT 2, 2011, vol. 189, p. 470-483.
H. Routaib, Elmachkour, M., Sabir, E., Badidi, E., et Elkoutbi, M., « Modeling and Evaluating a Cloudlet-based Architecture for Mobile Cloud Computing », in 2014 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA'14), 2014.
M. Ajana El Khaddar, Chraibi, M., Harroud, H., Boulmalf, M., Elkoutbi, M., et Maach, A., « Modeling and Enforcing Security and Service Control Policies using FlexRFID Middleware Healthcare Scenarios », in 2014 SCIENCE AND INFORMATION CONFERENCE (SAI), 2014, p. 461-467.
N. Enneya, Elmeziane, R., et Elkoutbi, M., « Game Theory Approach for Enhancing QoS-Aware Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks », in NDT: 2009 FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORKED DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, 2009, p. 327-333.
M. Ajana El Khaddar, Harroud, H., Boulmalf, M., Elkoutbi, M., et Habbani, A., « Emerging Wireless Technologies In E-Health », in 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS (ICMCS), 2012, p. 440-445.
N. Enneya, Baayer, A., et Elkoutbi, M., « A Dynamic Timestamp Discrepancy against Replay Attacks in MANET », in INFORMATICS ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, PT IV, 2011, vol. 254, p. 479+.
H. Routaib, Badidi, E., Sabir, E., et Elkoutbi, M., « A Bargaining Nash Game Based Adaptive Negotiation of Context Level Agreements for Pervasive Systems », in ADVANCES IN UBIQUITOUS NETWORKING, 2016, vol. 366, p. 91-104.
J. Oubaha et Elkoutbi, M., « 802.11 Mobile Networks Combined to QoS IP Networks », in 2008 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES: FROM THEORY TO APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-5, 2008, p. 2176-2180.



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