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Filters: Auteur is Ouzayd, F.  [Clear All Filters]
Conference Paper
H. Mezouar, Elafia, A., Chiheb, R., et Ouzayd, F., « Proposal of a modeling approach and a set of KPI to the drug supply chain within the hospital », in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2016, 2016.
K. Retmi, Tamir, M., et Ouzayd, F., « Role of Digitalization in the Hospital Supply Chain Performance Improvement: Digitalization of Hospital Pharmacy », in Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2021, p. 1667-1675.
M. Bernatchou, Ouzayd, F., Bellabdaoui, A., et Hamdaoui, M., « Towards a simulation model of an outpatient chemotherapy unit », in 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in Automobile and Aeronautics Industries, LOGISTIQUA 2017, 2017, p. 177-182.



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