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Conference Paper
M. Belhiah, Bounabat, B., et Achchab, S., « The impact of data accuracy on user-perceived business service's quality », in 2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015, 2015.
H. Fakhkhari, Bounabat, B., Gaizi, Z., Fatemi, S., Bennani, M., et Bakkali, R., « A holistic nonlinear framework for developing a national eHealth vision based on Moroccan experience », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2021.
W. Hadi, Zellou, A., et Bounabat, B., « Fulvis: New approach for selecting views to materialize in hybrid information integration », in 2013 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, CSIT 2013 - Proceedings, 2013, p. 248-255.
N. A. Alrajeh et Bounabat, B., « Formal specification of humanitarian disaster management processes », in 2012 6th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, ISMICT 2012, 2012.
A. Haqiq et Bounabat, B., « An extended approach for the behavioral and temporal constraints specification of reactive agent », in International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA, 2016, vol. 2016-June, p. 329-334.
Z. Korachi et Bounabat, B., « Data driven maturity model for assessing smart cities », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, p. 140-147.
L. Sinif et Bounabat, B., « Approaching an optimizing open linked government data portal », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, p. 135-139.
J. Maqboul et Bounabat, B., « An approach of data-driven framework alignment to knowledge base », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
M. S. Benqatla et Bounabat, B., « Actor network theory as a framework to build business collaboration network applied to digital government », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
M. S. Benqatla, Dikra, C., et Bounabat, B., « Actor network theory as a collaborative mode: The contribution of game theory in the interessement phase », in Proceedings of the 2015 5th World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, WICT 2015, 2015, p. 67-72.
M. S. Benqatla, Chikhaoui, D., et Bounabat, B., « Actor network theory a framework of it collaboration », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.




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