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G. Ha Merabet, Essaaidi, Ma, Talei, Hb, Abid, M. Rb, Khalil, Nc, Madkour, Mc, et Benhaddou, Dc, « Applications of multi-Agent systems in smart grids: A survey », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2014, p. 1088-1094.
Aa Naja, Essaaidi, Ma, et Boulmalf, Mb, « CPROB: A dynamic hybrid broadcasting protocol for vehicular Ad hoc networks », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2016, 2016, p. 355-361.
Ma Essaaidi et Zaz, Yb, « Foreword », in Proceedings of 2013 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2013, 2013.
Ma Essaaidi et Hani, SbEl, « Preface », in Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2015, 2015.
Ma Essaaidi et Nemiche, Mb, « Preface », in 2014 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014, 2014.
Fa Lachhab, Essaaidi, Ma, Bakhouya, Mb, et Ouladsine, Rb, « A state-feedback approach for controlling ventilation systems in energy efficient buildings », in Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2015, 2015.
Ma Essaaidi et Hani, SbEl, « Welcome message from the conference general co-chairs », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2016, 2016.



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