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Conference Paper
B. Assila, Kobbaney, A., Elmachkourz, M., et M. Koutbi, E., « A dynamic Stackelberg-Cournot game for competitive content caching in 5G networks », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.
A. Kobbane, Koulali, M. - A., Tembine, H., M. Koutbi, E., et Ben-Othman, J., « Dynamic Power Control with Energy Constraint for Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks », in 2012 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS (ICC), 2012.
E. R. Mezouary, Loutfi, A., et M. Koutbi, E., « A cross-layer architecture for service differentiation in Wireless Sensor Networks with multiple sinks », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2014, p. 843-848.
B. Assila, Kobbane, A., et M. Koutbi, E., « A Cournot Economic Pricing Model for Caching Resource Management in 5G Wireless Networks », in 2018 14th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2018, 2018, p. 1345-1350.
B. Assila, Kobbane, A., M. Koutbi, E., Ben-Othman, J., et Mokdad, L., « Caching as a Service in 5G Networks: Intelligent Transport and Video on Demand Scenarios », in 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2018 - Proceedings, 2019.
M. A. P. De Barros et M. Koutbi, E., « AQM applications in MAODV ad hoc network », in 16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2009, 2009, p. 37-40.
O. Cherqi, Mezzour, G., Ghogho, M., et M. Koutbi, E., « Analysis of hacking related trade in the darkweb », in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2018, 2018, p. 79-84.
B. Assila, Kobbane, A., Walid, A., et M. Koutbi, E., « Achieving low-energy consumption in fog computing environment: A matching game approach », in 19th IEEE Mediterranean Eletrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2018 - Proceedings, 2018, p. 213-218.




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