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An Efficient Holistic Schema Matching Approach

TitreAn Efficient Holistic Schema Matching Approach
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsYousfi, A, Yazidi, MHEl, Zellou, A
JournalCommunications in Computer and Information Science
Mots-clésComputer science, Computers, Context-based semantics, Current matching, Distributed data sources, Holistic schema matching, Number of sources, Pairwise matching, Real world domain, Schema matching, Semantics

Schema matching allows a certain way of communication between heterogeneous, autonomous and distributed data sources. We choose the matching approach depending on the number of sources we wish to integrate: pairwise matching approaches for a small to a medium total number of data sources, and holistic matching approaches for a big to a huge number of data sources. Nevertheless, current matching approaches were proven to achieve a very moderate matching accuracy. Moreover, holistic matching approaches operate in a series of two-way matching steps. In this paper, we present hMatcher, an efficient holistic schema matching approach. To execute holistic schema matching, hMatcher captures frequent schema elements in the given domain prior to any matching operation. To achieve high matching accuracy, hMatcher uses a context-based semantic similarity measure. Experimental results on real-world domain show that hMatcher performs holistic schema matching properly, and outperforms current matching approaches in terms of matching accuracy. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.




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