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Enterprise architecture based assessment of healthcare information system strategic alignment

TitreEnterprise architecture based assessment of healthcare information system strategic alignment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsAlrajeh, Na, Elhari, Kb, Bounabat, Bb
Conference NameHEALTHINF 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics

Traditionally, most Information Technology (IT) implementations in healthcare are concerned primarily with improving the efficiency of operational tasks, without considering the effectiveness of the strategic management decision processes. This paper objective aims at filling this lack by presenting a new approach for Assessment of Healthcare Information Systems (HIS) Strategic Alignment. The underlined concepts are based on Enterprise Architecture (EA) related concepts, providing a clear and comprehensive view of the structure and operations of the healthcare system. This paper focus on how to carry out an internal EA analysis that aims at measuring HIS alignment via a set of metrics determining if the business processes, sub-processes, applications and databases are actually achieving their purpose. This will enable all parties involved in the HIS management process to stay abreast of what has been really attained, which goals are being met, and what needs to be changed.




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