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Fuzzy Logic-based N-gram Graph Technique for Evaluating Textual Documents Indexes

TitreFuzzy Logic-based N-gram Graph Technique for Evaluating Textual Documents Indexes
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsRassam, L, Aldiebesghanem, C, Zellou, A, Lahmar, EB
Conference Name2022 4th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet, ICCCI 2022
Mots-clés'current, Computer circuits, Degree of relevance, Fuzzy function, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy logic approach, Fuzzy-Logic, Graph technique, Indexing, Indexing (of information), N-grams, Textual documents

Fuzzy logic is a term that is used more and more often by researchers specialized in information retrieval and indexing. It is supposed to fill the gaps of the current domain by adding meaning to the information. In this article, the main goal is introducing the fuzzy logic approach in the field of the representation of a corpus of documents, more precisely in the proposal of a new method based on fuzzy functions that allow the evaluation of the generated indexes of a specific corpus.The evaluation is based on calculating the degrees of relevance of a term in relation to another whether it is in the same document of the corpus or in two or more completely different documents of the same corpus. © 2022 IEEE.




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