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A process definition for domain specific software development

TitreA process definition for domain specific software development
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsLethrech, Ma, Kenzi, Ab, Elmagrouni, Ia, Nassar, Ma, Kriouile, Aa
Conference NameProceedings of 2015 IEEE World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2015

Although the DSM approach was already present in the industrial world since the 90s, these last years it knows a growing interest from the research community. Domain Specific Modeling approach is essentially characterized by raising the level of abstraction and full code generation. In fact, a Domain Specific Language is semantically strong since it directly uses concepts and rules from a specific problem domain. In addition, concentrating on a narrow domain increases considerably the ability to automate the generation of the final solution from the domain-specific models. Throughout our research we have noticed a formalism lack of Domain Specific Software Development (DSSD) process. We propose in this paper a DSSD process formalism to guide the development of domain specific solutions. This process defines the phases, artifacts and roles required to specify and implement domain specific solutions. © 2015 IEEE.




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