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PURL test ID: finland

Secure Internet of Thing using Blockchain Technology

TitreSecure Internet of Thing using Blockchain Technology
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsElhachimi, J, Kobbane, A
Conference Name2022 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, SpliTech 2022
Mots-clésAuthentication systems, Block-chain, Blockchain, Data privacy, Distributed ledger, Information management, Internet of thing security, Internet of things, ITS applications, Light weight, Network security, Privacy and security, Privacy issue, Security and privacy, Security issues, Security protocols

With their vast range of uses, Internet of things (IoT) and its applications are becoming more popular. However, the security and privacy of the IoT-based applications remains a worry. The majority of the privacy and security issues of the interconnected, diverse resource-constrained IoT devices are unable to be solved efficiently by traditional security protocols. Blockchain technology has emerged as a distributed ledger technology or data structure that can manage many intelligent IoT transactions and ensure greater security to data management. In this paper, we propose a light-weight authentication system based Blockchain approach that provides network and communication security. Due to Blockchain decentralized nature and transparency, the proposed approach ensures high-level data security, improves system operation efficiency and system performances. © 2022 University of Split, FESB.




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