Effects of Using Requirements Catalogs on Effectiveness and Productivity of Requirements Specification in a Software Project Management Course

TitreEffects of Using Requirements Catalogs on Effectiveness and Productivity of Requirements Specification in a Software Project Management Course
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsFernández-Alemán, JLa, Carrillo-De-Gea, JMa, Meca, JaVidal, Ros, JaNicolás, Toval, Aa, Idri, Ab
JournalIEEE Transactions on Education

{This paper presents the results of two educational experiments carried out to determine whether the process of specifying requirements (catalog-based reuse as opposed to conventional specification) has an impact on effectiveness and productivity in co-located and distributed software development environments. The participants in the experiments were 76 students enrolled in three courses on project management for software development at the University of Murcia, Spain, and the Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco. The results of a fixed effects meta-analysis (Hedges' g) obtained a medium effect (-0.495




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