Memetic algorithm for the dynamic vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup

TitreMemetic algorithm for the dynamic vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBerahhou, A, Benadada, Y, Bouanane, K
JournalInternational Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations

In recent years, the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) has become an important issue for distribution companies. Also, the rapid development of communication means and the appearance of reverse logistics have given rise to new variants of the VRP. This article deals with an important variant of the VRP which is Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup (DVRPSDP), in which new customers appear during the working day and each customer requires simultaneous delivery and pickup. A Memetic Algorithm (MA) that combines Genetic Algorithm (GA) and local search procedure have been proposed to solve the problem. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated with the tests carried out on a set of benchmarks found in the literature. The proposed memetic algorithm is very efficient and gives many good solutions. © 2022, Growing Science. All rights reserved.




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