Multi-level multi-capacitated facility location problem: formulation and resolution.

TitreMulti-level multi-capacitated facility location problem: formulation and resolution.
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsAbbal, K, M. Amrani, E, Benadada, Y
Conference Name2022 IEEE 6th International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2022
Mots-clésBranch Cuts, Budget constraint, Budget control, Capacitated facility location problems, Capacitated location, Facilities locations, Freight transportation, Generalisation, Integer programming, Location, Location problems, Multi-capacity, Multilevels, Problem formulation

Facility location problem is one of the most problems studied since the 1950 years; many variants have been introduced in order to deal with real-world problems. In 2016, a new variant was developed to generalize the p-median problem, called 'budget constraint multi-capacitated location problem' (BMCLP). This paper aims to generalize the BMCLP onto the multi-level, a problem that arises in many scopes as telecommunication, freight transportation, etc. Therefore, we proposed a mathematical formulation as mixed integer, called 'Multi-level multi-capacitated facility location problem' (MLMCLP) and generated an artificial set of instances in order to validate the new formulation. Finally, we apply the Branch and Cut solving method using the CPLEX solver. The results obtained from the numerical study show the robustness of the proposed formulation. © 2022 IEEE.




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