Security-Based Mechanism for Proactive Routing Schema Using Game Theory Model
Titre | Security-Based Mechanism for Proactive Routing Schema Using Game Theory Model |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Amraoui, H, Habbani, A, Hajami, A, Bilal, E |
ISSN | 1574-017X |
Abstract | Game theory may offer a useful mechanism to address many problems in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). One of the key concepts in the research field of such networks with Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) is the security problem. Relying on applying game theory to study this problem, we consider two strategies during this suggested model: cooperate and not-cooperate. However, in such networks, it is not easy to identify different actions of players. In this paper, we have essentially been inspired from recent advances provided in game theory to propose a new model for security in MANETs. Our proposal presents a powerful tool with a large number of players where interactions are played multiple times. Moreover, each node keeps a cooperation rate (CR) record of other nodes to cope with the behaviors and mitigate aggregate effect of other malicious devices. Additionally, our suggested security mechanism does not only take into consideration security requirements, but also take into account system resources and network performances. The simulation results using Network Simulator 3 are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposal.
DOI | 10.1155/2016/5653010 |
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