Towards a context-aware framework for assessing and optimizing Data Quality projects

TitreTowards a context-aware framework for assessing and optimizing Data Quality projects
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsBelhiah, M, Benqatla, MS, Bounabat, B, Achchab, S
Conference NameDATA 2015 - 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications, Proceedings

This paper presents an approach to clearly identify the opportunities for increased monetary and non-monetary benefits from improved Data Quality, within an Enterprise Architecture context. The aim is to measure, in a quantitative manner, how key business processes help to execute an organization's strategy, and then to qualify the benefits as well as the complexity of improving data, that are consumed and produced by these processes. These findings will allow to clearly identify data quality improvement projects, based on the latter's benefits to the organization and their costs of implementation. To facilitate the understanding of this approach, a Java EE Web application is developed and presented here.




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