Distinctions et prix

Admission to the PhD Program of the University of Houston, USA


Two students of ENSIAS, presented below, have been admitted through a thorough selection process to the PhD program of the University of Houston, USA and have got a scholarship from the same university for this purpose.




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Avenue Mohammed Ben Abdallah Regragui, Madinat Al Irfane, BP 713, Agdal Rabat, Maroc

  Télécopie : (+212) 5 37 68 60 78

  Secrétariat de direction : 06 61 48 10 97

        Service des affaires financières : 06 61 44 76 79

        Service des affaires estudiantines : 06 62 77 10 17 / n.mhirich@um5s.net.ma

        CEDOC ST2I : 06 66 39 75 16

        Résidences : 06 61 82 89 77



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