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Ta Fissaa, Guermah, Ha, Hafiddi, Hab, et Nassar, Ma, « Towards a semantic approach for discovering context aware services », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2016, vol. 2016-July.
Ba Chabibi, Anwar, Ab, et Nassar, Ma, « Towards an alignment of SysML and simulation tools », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2016, vol. 2016-July.
Ma Ayache, Erradi, Ma, Freisleben, Bb, et Khoumsi, Ac, « Towards an efficient policy evaluation process in multi-tenancy cloud environments », in CCSW 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop, co-located with CCS 2016, 2016, p. 55-59.
M. Ayache, Erradi, M., Freisleben, B., et Khoumsi, A., « Towards an Efficient Policy Evaluation Process in Multi-Tenancy Cloud Environments », in CCSW'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM CLOUD COMPUTING SECURITY WORKSHOP, 2016, p. 55-59.
E. L. Bassiti et Ajhoun, R., « Towards innovation excellence: Why and how to measure innovation performance? », in Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2016, 2016, p. 99-104.
K. Moumane, Idri, A., et Abran, A., « Usability evaluation of mobile applications using ISO 9241 and ISO 25062 standards », SPRINGERPLUS, vol. 5, 2016.
Ka Moumane, Idri, Aa, et Abran, Ab, « Usability evaluation of mobile applications using ISO 9241 and ISO 25062 standards », SpringerPlus, vol. 5, 2016.
A. Afyf, Bellarbi, L., Achour, A., Yaakoubi, N., Errachid, A., et M. Sennouni, A., « UWB Thin Film Flexible Antenna for Microwave Thermography for Breast Cancer Detection », in 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICEIT), 2016, p. 425-429.
Aa Afyf, Bellarbi, La, Achour, Aa, Yaakoubi, Nb, Errachid, Ac, et Sennouni, MdAdel, « UWB thin film flexible antenna for microwave thermography for breast cancer detection », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2016, 2016, p. 425-429.
A. Fath-Allah, Cheikhi, L., Al-Qutaish, R. E., et Idri, A., « A Validation of a Measurement Based E-government Portals' Maturity Model », in 2016 42ND EUROMICRO CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND ADVANCED APPLICATIONS (SEAA), 2016, p. 100-107.
H. Sbai et Fredj, M., « Variability Management in Business-IT Alignment: MDA based Approach », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 7, p. 212-221, 2016.
IaEl Fachtali, Saadane, Rb, et Elkoutbi, Ma, « Vertical handover decision algorithm using ants' colonies for 4G heterogeneous wireless networks », Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, vol. 2016, 2016.
I. El Fachtali, Saadane, R., et Elkoutbi, M., « Vertical Handover Decision Algorithm Using Ants’ Colonies for 4G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. », Journal of Computer Networks & Communications, p. 1 - 15, 2016.
I. El Fachtali, Saadane, R., et Elkoutbi, M., « Vertical Handover Decision Algorithm Using Ants' Colonies for 4G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks », JOURNAL OF COMPUTER NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS, 2016.
A. Bessate et Bouanani, F. El, « A very tight approximate results of MRC receivers over independent Weibull fading channels », PHYSICAL COMMUNICATION, vol. 21, p. 30-40, 2016.
A. Bessate et F. Bouanani, E., « A very tight approximate results of MRC receivers over independent Weibull fading channels », Physical Communication, vol. 21, p. 30-40, 2016.
M. Alouane et Bakkali, H. El, « Virtualization in Cloud Computing: NoHype vs HyperWall », in 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICEIT), 2016, p. 49-54.
M. Alouane et H. Bakkali, E., « Virtualization in Cloud Computing: NoHype vs HyperWall new approach », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2016, 2016, p. 49-54.
Ma Essaaidi et Hani, SbEl, « Welcome message from the conference general co-chairs », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2016, 2016.
N. Kerzazi et Asri, I. El, « Who Can Help to Review This Piece of Code? », in COLLABORATION IN A HYPERCONNECTED WORLD, 2016, vol. 480, p. 289-301.
N. Kerzazi et I. Asri, E., « Who can help to review this piece of code? », IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol. 480, p. 289-301, 2016.
Na Kerzazi et Adams, Bb, « Who needs release and DevOps engineers, and why? », in Proceedings - International Workshop on Continuous Software Evolution and Delivery, CSED 2016, 2016, p. 77-83.
N. Kerzazi et Adams, B., « Who Needs Release and DevOps Engineers, and Why? », in INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CONTINUOUS SOFTWARE EVOLUTION AND DELIVERY, CSED 2016, 2016, p. 77-83.
Y. Benkaouz, Erradi, M., et Freisleben, B., « Work in Progress: K-Nearest Neighbors Techniques for ABAC Policies Clustering », in ABAC'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ATTRIBUTE BASED ACCESS CONTROL, 2016, p. 72-75.
Ya Benkaouz, Erradi, Ma, et Freisleben, Bb, « Work in progress: K-nearest neighbors techniques for ABAC policies clustering », in ABAC 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Workshop on Attribute Based Access Control, co-located with CODASPY 2016, 2016, p. 72-75.




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