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On access control requirements for inter-organizational workflow

TitreOn access control requirements for inter-organizational workflow
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsElkandoussi, A, Elbakkali, H
Conference NameProceedings of the 4th Edition of National Security Days, JNS4 2014

The rapid development in networks technologies has significantly enhanced connectivity and interactions between organizations. In fact, several organizations gather to cooperate and put in common their resources and skills to reach a common goal. Inter-Organizational Workflow aims to support cooperation between business processes running in different organizations. The Access Control service remains a major challenge to ensure safe and reliable exchange of data. Indeed, such collaborative systems are highly vulnerable to security threats, especially for confidential and sensitive data. So organizations must take into account the security needs and particularly those related to access control. That's why it's important to study the security requirements in such systems. This paper studies different Inter-Organizational Workflow Access Control models, explores the main requirements in such environments and gives a comparative study. © 2014 IEEE.




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