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Actor network theory as a collaborative mode: The contribution of game theory in the interessement phase

TitreActor network theory as a collaborative mode: The contribution of game theory in the interessement phase
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsBenqatla, MS, Dikra, C, Bounabat, B
Conference NameProceedings of the 2015 5th World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, WICT 2015

Global Governance of projects requires cooperation between several actors. In general, such cooperation is ensured by building network collaboration between entities who want to collaborate. In spite of the existence of a number of works interested in collaboration network, only few of them were focused on how to construct a network. In this paper, we address this topic through Actor Network Theory. In particular way, we analyze interessement phase of ANT from a cooperative game point of view. Indeed, it's about negotiations between actors involved in business project. Our objective is to propose an approach of network establishment, by inciting actors through cost savings. For that, we use Shapley Value to answer the question: Which coalitions are likely to form in order to ensure best cost-saving objectives in ANT mode of collaboration? We propose also a graphical tool for visualizing networks and simulating their evolution. © 2015 IEEE.




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