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Actor network theory a framework of it collaboration

TitreActor network theory a framework of it collaboration
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBenqatla, MS, Chikhaoui, D, Bounabat, B
Conference NameProceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017

Collaboration between organization changes dynamically and spreads rapidly through a Collaborative Network (CN). Developing methods for handling such networks of collaboration on a real scale requires modeling social interactions between different actors in order to share, analyze, and suggest improvements for a collaboration perspective. This paper describes a new tool for collaboration modeling based on Actor Network Theory. ∗ANTCollab system is based on Actor Network Theory and Game Theory algorithm that efficiently provides abstract models of collaboration between different actors aiming at uncovering cost allocations concerns. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with a real case study. The analyze of the ∗interessement phase reveals that we are able to increase the cost saving objectives within a collaborative mode. We also present a what-if simulation feature to assess the impact of scenarios related to future collaboration evolution. Furthermore, we provide a live deployment of the ∗ANTCollab system that allows users to explore the dynamics of collaboration networks in place as well as their involvement over time. ©2017 IEEE.




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