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Agility metrics model for Business IT Alignment

TitreAgility metrics model for Business IT Alignment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsImgharene, K, Doumi, K, Baina, S
Conference Name7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2020
Mots-clésAlignment, Business - IT alignments, Business-IT, Control engineering, Different domains, Impact of changes, Levels of abstraction, Metrics models, Turbulent environments

Enterprises are facing rapid and radical changes in a turbulent environment. This turbulence requires companies to be agile, i.e. to keep an overview of their environment and to be ready to react. Alignment Businesses IT is constantly being affected if levels of abstraction are affected by the change. The changes in companies must necessarily be accompanied by a (re)alignment of Business IT. In order to measure the impact of change on Business-IT alignment, this paper reviews the literature on agility metrics in different domains, by filtering them to focus on the context of Business-IT alignment, and then matching the metrics to the model that defines the impact of change on Business-IT alignment. © 2020 IEEE.




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