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An analysis approach for distributed generation placement and sizing in power distribution system

TitreAn analysis approach for distributed generation placement and sizing in power distribution system
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMancour, AA, Nasser, T
Conference NameACM International Conference Proceeding Series

This paper proposes a new analytical approach which investigates the effect of distributed generation (DG) in power distribution system. This approach for DG placement and sizing in power distribution system mainly helps to minimize the power loss of the system, to improve the voltage profile, then to reduce the thermal capacity of the main feeder and to better regulate the voltage. The proposed analytical approach is based on both Newton Raphson load flow and loss sensitivity factor. One type of DG is considered including DG supplying real power only. IEEE 33 bus, 5 bus and 14 bus Test systems are used for achieving results and validating the proposed method under Matlab/Simulink environment. The obtained simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. © 2017 Association for Computing Machinery.




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