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Applying change tree method in configurable process mining

TitreApplying change tree method in configurable process mining
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsHmami, A, Sbaï, H, Fredj, M
Conference Name2022 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, IRASET 2022
Mots-clésBusiness Process, Change logs, Change mining, Change tree method, Component, Configurable process mining, Configurable process models, Data mining, Forestry, Process mining, Tree method, Unexpected events

Changes are unexpected events that can be visualized on the logs of each business process. By analysing these logs, particularly change logs ones, we can provide valuable information about changes that occurred during the process's execution phases. In this paper we propose to apply a new version of the change tree method to analyse change logs of a configurable process model obtained through configurable process mining approaches, especially change mining ones. The configurable process model is a model that describes a family of business processes. By representing changes related to configurable models, managers can easily detect and retrieve information about changes and obtain answers to questions such as when the change occurs and how long it takes, and which elements are affected by those changes. This information will not be restricted to a single business process but to a collection of process variants. © 2022 IEEE.




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