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An Approach to Resolve NP-Hard Problems of Firewalls

TitreAn Approach to Resolve NP-Hard Problems of Firewalls
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsKhoumsi, A, Erradi, M, Ayache, M, Krombi, W
EditorAbdulla, PA, DelporteGallet, C
Conference NameNetworked Systems, NETYS 2016
ISBN Number978-3-319-46140-3; 978-3-319-46139-7

Firewalls are a common solution to protect information systems from intrusions. In this paper, we apply an automata-based methodology to resolve several NP-Hard problems which have been shown in the literature to be fundamental for the study of firewall security policies. We also compute space and time complexities of our resolution methods.




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