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The behaviour of ACS-TSP algorithm when adapting both pheromone parameters using fuzzy logic controller

TitreThe behaviour of ACS-TSP algorithm when adapting both pheromone parameters using fuzzy logic controller
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBouzbita, S, A. Afia, E, Faizi, R
JournalInternational Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

In this paper, an evolved ant colony system (ACS) is proposed by dynamically adapting the responsible parameters for the decay of the pheromone trails ξ and using fuzzy logic controller (FLC) applied in the travelling salesman problems (TSP). The purpose of the proposed method is to understand the effect of both parameters ξ and on the performance of the ACS at the level of solution quality and convergence speed towards the best solutions through studying the behaviour of the ACS algorithm during this adaptation. The adaptive ACS is compared with the standard one. Computational results show that the adaptive ACS with dynamic adaptation of local pheromone parameter ξ is more effective compared to the standard ACS. © 2020 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.




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