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A Best Practice Based E-Government Portals' Maturity Model-A Case Study

TitreA Best Practice Based E-Government Portals' Maturity Model-A Case Study
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsFath-Allah, A, Cheikhi, L, Idri, A, Al-Qutaish, R
Conference NameIEEE CIT 2017 - 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology

An e-government portal's maturity model is a set of incremental stages that defines the maturity of e-government portals. In fact, these models can be used by e-government agencies to identify the maturity rank of their portal and at the same time provide recommendations and guidelines for agencies to improve their portals' maturity. In previous research studies, we have built an e-government portals' best practice model and a maturity model that is based on the former model. Moreover, we have evaluated the model by a set of experts in the e-government field. The model has proved its validity and reliability within the set of the participants. The aim of this paper is to perform a case study on this maturity model on a real portal. Our findings show that the portal being measured is in the presence stage of maturity. © 2017 IEEE.




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