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Biometric protection approach based on fingerprint hierarchical identification

TitreBiometric protection approach based on fingerprint hierarchical identification
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsElmouhtadi, M, Lafkik, M, Elfkihi, S
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research

With the exponential increase in the dependence on biometric based fingerprint in everyday life, there is a growing concern related to privacy and security issues; therefore, security threats need tobe analyzed in detail. Different fingerprint systems store personal information without any security. Hence, an attacker can easily have access to the identity of legitimate user. In order to secure these applications against different threats, several protection approaches have been proposed as alternative solution. In this paper, we propose a new approach for fingerprint template protection based on the fingerprint features transformation. In this context, we proposed a new indexation approach named ‘Hierarchical Identification and Protection Approach Based on Delaunay Triangulation’, based on the topological transformation of minutia points. First, we applied the Delaunay triangulation as a matching method. Then we introduced the barycenter notion, which applied on the similar extracted triangle. This hierarchical meaner of triangulation improve the performance and the security of fingerprint systems. Driven experimental results show the ability of the proposed approach to preserve the performance and the security of biometric authentication systems. © Research India Publications.




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