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Building Rich User Profile Based on Intentional Perspective

TitreBuilding Rich User Profile Based on Intentional Perspective
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsAlaoui, Sa, Idrissi, YEBEb, Ajhoun, Ra
Conference NameProcedia Computer Science

Internet technologies evolution, from Web 1.0 to web 2.0 and web 3.0, has led us towards the definition of new requirements to be considered in the design and development of new application. It is important to note that depending solely on the request to satisfy user need is not effective. Indeed, the emergence of many researches related to the study of user behaviour has enhanced the retrieval information effectiveness. Typically, the context and the user profile are the main elements to characterize the user. Hence, we aim through this contribution to build a rich profile and to provide him suitable services. © 2015 The Authors.




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