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CADSSO: A development approach for contextaware service oriented systems

TitreCADSSO: A development approach for contextaware service oriented systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsLethrech, Ma, Kenzi, Ab, Elmagrouni, Ia, Nassar, Ma, Kriouile, Aa
JournalJournal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

In this paper, we present our development approach named CADSSO (Context-Aware, Domain Specific and Service Oriented) for Context aware Service oriented Systems. CADSSO is organized in two stages: the modeling stage and the code generation stage. It is essentially based on the Domain Specific Modeling (DSM) approach. Indeed, the creation of the five models of the modeling stage is done using Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). The first model is Domain Specific Context Model, it represents the service execution context. The second is Domain Specific Service Model, it allows the services modeling. We also have the Service Variability Model which is used in the service variability modeling. The bond between Service Variability Model and Domain Specific Service Model is provided by Adaptation rules model. Finally, specific domain business modeling is done via domain specific business model. At code generation stage, a specific code generator transform all these models to final source code using a framework specifically designed for a given target platform. © 2005 - 2015 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.




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