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CCS: A Correct Cooperation Strategy based on game theory for MANETS

TitreCCS: A Correct Cooperation Strategy based on game theory for MANETS
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAmraoui, Ha, Habbani, Aab, Hajami, Ac
Conference NameProceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is a multihop wireless communication network supporting mobile users (nodes) without any existing infrastructure and depend of the individual behavior of the nodes. This nature of MANETs imposes the cooperation among nodes to improve quality of service and security especially that mobility and energy are the most important criteria in MANETs. In such networks, devices can have different configurations, and should cooperate to ensure the existence of such networks. Cooperation enforcement mechanism do not provide strong authentication of entities. However, cooperation may be more difficult to apply in MANETS than infrastructure based networks due to many reasons already mentioned. In this paper we'll present a correct strategy based on cooperation rate (CR) to enforce cooperation and communication between nodes in MANET using OLSR routing protocol. The concept of this strategy based on game theory is focused on track keeps by each nodes and calculate the CR of other nodes. The CR is calculated based on various types of OLSR messages (HELLO, TC, MID and HNA) sent among nodes, and also based on different network processing (forwarding and routing). © 2014 IEEE.




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