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A Closed-Form Approximation to the Distribution for the Sum of Independent Non-identically Generalized Gamma Variates and Applications

TitreA Closed-Form Approximation to the Distribution for the Sum of Independent Non-identically Generalized Gamma Variates and Applications
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsChaayra, T, Ben-Azza, H, Bouanani, FE
JournalMathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems

Evaluating the sum of independent and not necessarily identically distributed (i.n.i.d) random variables (RVs) is essential to study different variables linked to various scientific fields, particularly, in wireless communication channels. However, it is difficult to evaluate the distribution of this sum when the number of RVs increases. Consequently, the complex contour integral will be difficult to determine. Considering this issue, a more accurate approximation of the distribution function is required. By assuming the probability density function (PDF) of a generalized gamma (GG) RV evaluated in terms of a proper subset H1,0 class of Fox's H-function (FHF) and the moment-based approximation to estimate the FHF parameters, a closed-form tight approximate expression for the distribution of the sum of i.n.i.d GG RVs and a sufficient condition for the convergence are investigated. The proposed approximate may be an analytical useful tool for analyzing the performance of certain numbers branch maximal-ratio combining receivers subject to GG fading channels. Hence, various closed-form performance metrics are derived and examined in terms of FHF. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the theoretical results. © 2021. All Rights Reserved.




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