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Compact Hybrid Multi-Color Space Descriptor Using Clustering-Based Feature Selection for Texture Classification

TitreCompact Hybrid Multi-Color Space Descriptor Using Clustering-Based Feature Selection for Texture Classification
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsAlimoussa, M, Porebski, A, Vandenbroucke, N, S. Fkihi, E, R. Thami, OHaj
JournalJournal of Imaging

Color texture classification aims to recognize patterns by the analysis of their colors and their textures. This process requires using descriptors to represent and discriminate the different texture classes. In most traditional approaches, these descriptors are used with a predefined setting of their parameters and computed from images coded in a chosen color space. The prior choice of a color space, a descriptor and its setting suited to a given application is a crucial but difficult problem that strongly impacts the classification results. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes a color texture representation that simultaneously takes into account the properties of several settings from different descriptors computed from images coded in multiple color spaces. Since the number of color texture features generated from this representation is high, a dimensionality reduction scheme by clustering-based sequential feature selection is applied to provide a compact hybrid multi-color space (CHMCS) descriptor. The experimental results carried out on five benchmark color texture databases with five color spaces and manifold settings of two texture descriptors show that combining different configurations always improves the accuracy compared to a predetermined configuration. On average, the CHMCS representation achieves 94.16% accuracy and outperforms deep learning networks and handcrafted color texture descriptors by over 5%, especially when the dataset is small. © 2022 by the authors.




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