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Comparison of New Approaches of Semi-syllable Units for Speech Recognition of Any Arabic Word

TitreComparison of New Approaches of Semi-syllable Units for Speech Recognition of Any Arabic Word
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBoumehdi, A, Yousfi, A
Conference NameJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Mots-clésLinguistics, New approaches, Simple++, Speech recognition

This study uses the same semi-syllable units already defined in our previous work; a semi-syllable is a simple Arabic letter followed by its diacritic information. This work experiment with three configurations. In the first configuration, we redefine the .,3? (Soukoun is an Arabic diacritical sign representing the absence of a vowel) as a new independent phonemes that is different from the consonant itself. In the second configuration, we also redefine the geminated consonant with a new independent phoneme. In the last configuration, we combined the first two experiments. The results proved that the three configurations gave better results compared to regular semi-syllables, and the highest recognition rate was achieved on the third configuration. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.




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