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Control of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Wind Energy Conversion Systems

TitreControl of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsElouatoua, H, Nasser, T, Essadki, A
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2020
Mots-clésAsynchronous generators, Conventional controllers, Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), Doubly fed induction generators, Electric fault currents, Electric machine control, Electric machine theory, Energy conversion, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy sliding mode control, Fuzzy-logic control, MATLAB, Modelling and controls, Sliding mode control, Variable speed wind turbines, Wind energy conversion system, Wind power

This paper proposes the modelling and control of the variable speed wind turbine based on doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The main idea of this work consists of applying different techniques of command to the independent control of active and reactive powers generated by the DFIG namely: conventional controller PI, Fuzzy logic control (FLC), Sliding mode control (SMC) and hybrid fuzzy sliding mode control (FSMC). The performances and robustness are analyzed and compared by simulation on Matlab /Simulink. © 2020 IEEE.




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