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CSSM: A context-based semantic similarity measure

TitreCSSM: A context-based semantic similarity measure
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsYousfi, A, Yazidi, MHEl, Zellou, A
Conference Name2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Control, Optimization and Computer Science, ICECOCS 2020
Mots-clésBenchmark datasets, Computer science, Computers, Context-based semantics, Control engineering, Data-sources, Distributed data sources, Electronics engineering, Electronics industry, High-accuracy, Semantic similarity, Semantic similarity approaches, Semantics

Semantic similarity is very critical in applications that manipulate data across heterogeneous, autonomous and distributed data sources. It helps connect these data sources. Nevertheless, current semantic similarity approaches were proven to achieve a very moderate accuracy. Furthermore, they are merely applicable when we wish to determine the semantic similarity between words. In this paper, we present CSSM, a Context-based Semantic Similarity Measure. Experimental results on Miller Charles benchmark dataset show that CSSM performs semantic similarity comparisons properly, and obtains high accuracy. © 2020 IEEE.




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