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Current Research Trends in Fake News Areas: A Systematic Mapping Study

TitreCurrent Research Trends in Fake News Areas: A Systematic Mapping Study
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsMohammed, E, Zellou, A
Conference Name2022 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, IRASET 2022
Mots-clés'current, Deceptive information, Disinformation, Fake news, Information services, Mapping, Misinformation, Online news, Purchasing decisions, Research trends, Systematic mapping studies, Uncertainty

Nowadays, online news plays an important role in people's decisions and behaviors. Some of this news shared on the web may contain deceptive in-formation to mislead those peoples which may cause uncertainty and confusion such in election choices and purchasing decision. Thereafter, fake news is becoming a trending area of research. However, fake news can be differentiated into several subcategories, such as fake reviews, Propaganda, Ru-mor, spams etc. In this paper, fake news studies are analyzed and classified based on their focus areas, this helps to understand that which fake news areas have higher concentrations of research efforts and which area requires the research attention. The systematic study is conducted by planning the mapping protocol defining the search process that planned to be executed using set of inclusion and exclusion criteria on two bibliographic databases (Scopus and IEEE explore) which aims to include relevant papers related to our work in order to identify what the research trends in fake news are. © 2022 IEEE.




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