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A decision-support model enabling a proactive vision of Cloud Computing adoption

TitreA decision-support model enabling a proactive vision of Cloud Computing adoption
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsM. Haloui, E, Kriouile, A
Conference NameProceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016

Market competitiveness and technological evolution encourage companies to seek IT solutions enabling to save costs, increase productivity, and focus on high value-added activities. Outsourcing and cloud computing activities become increasingly adopted choices. That is why, decision makers need to look for decision support tools helping them for the adoption of new solutions and services such as Cloud Computing. This article presents a maturity assessment model of a functional block information system in order to outsource it to Cloud. Basing on the enterprise architecture point of view, best practices repositories, basic criteria of activities outsourcing, and the cloud computing adoption requirements, this model is built around four modules: the block scope identification, the outsourcing opportunity, the cloud computing architectural requirements, and governance and control. Thus, this model will provide new benefits for opened Enterprise Architectures to cloud computing. © 2016 IEEE.




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