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Dynamic Enterprise Architecture planning using case-based reasoning and blockchain

TitreDynamic Enterprise Architecture planning using case-based reasoning and blockchain
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsEttahiri, I, Doumi, K
Conference NameProcedia Computer Science
Mots-clésBlock-chain, Blockchain, Business-IT, Case based reasoning, Casebased reasonings (CBR), Dynamic aspects, EA planning, enterprise architecture, Enterprise architecture planning, Enterprise IS, Knowledge based systems, Memory architecture, Nearest-neighbor algorithms, Uncertainty

Nowadays, Enterprises are aware that the only existing certainty, is a future of great uncertainty (Allen Paulos). Therefore, the potential drivers of change should be detected and the solutions or path to solutions should be prepared in advance. In our work we adopt, the concept of Enterprise architecture, as the tool ensuring the alignment strategy//business//IT. So, to implement any change, we propose using CBR for case-based reasoning to store a set of problems with their solutions, and then to use algorithms of similarity and adaptation to propose the most adapted solution to the problem. Our goal in this paper is to maximize experiences and enrich the knowledge base so that the reasoning mechanism and similarity process is as reliable as possible. Thus, we suggest, a sharing of knowledge bases between allied or contracted companies or subsidiaries. (Example national strategy to be implemented regionally on a case-by-case basis) to ensure reliable sharing, we suggest the use of blockchain technology. © 2022 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.




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