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An E-government portals' maturity model - Architectural and procedural views

TitreAn E-government portals' maturity model - Architectural and procedural views
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsFath-Allah, Aa, Cheikhi, La, Al-Qutaish, REb, Idri, Aa
Conference NameSITA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications

E-government portals are changing the way citizens are dealing with their governments. The e-government services can be executed by citizens without any location or time constraints, which results in great benefits for them. Therefore, agencies should follow worldwide e-government portals' best practices that would contribute in the portals' quality. E-government maturity models can be used for this purpose. The purpose of this paper is to propose an e-government portals' maturity model that is based on a best practice model for e-government portals. This maturity model can help agencies identify their maturity rank by measuring the presence of those best practices. At the same time, the maturity model can provide guidelines and recommendations for agencies to move to an upper stage of maturity. © 2016 IEEE.




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