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An Efficient and Secure Forward Error Correcting Scheme for DNA Data Storage

TitreAn Efficient and Secure Forward Error Correcting Scheme for DNA Data Storage
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsYatribi, A, Belkasmi, M, Ayoub, F
JournalAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Mots-clésBioinformatics, Decoding, Decoding complexity, Difference sets, Digital storage, DNA, Error correcting scheme, Errors, Experimental conditions, Forward error correcting, Gene encoding, Information density, Majority logic, Pattern recognition, Protection schemes, Simple majority, Soft computing

In this paper, a new efficient error correcting scheme for DNA archival digital data storage is proposed. We devise a double protection scheme for DNA oligos, aiming to ensure the protection of both information and indexing header data from both symbol flipping and erasure-burst errors, using two different cyclic ternary difference-set codes, which are known to be completely orthogonalisable and very easy to decode using a simple majority-logic decoding algorithm. We show that the proposed scheme is efficient and easily scalable, and provides a coding potential of 1.97 bit per nucleotide, and a reasonable net information density of 0.75 bit/nt under the considered experimental conditions, with relatively a lower decoding complexity and costs compared to other DNA data storage approaches. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.




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