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PURL test ID: finland

An efficient segmentation algorithm for handwritten arabic words

TitreAn efficient segmentation algorithm for handwritten arabic words
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsQacimym, Bab El, Kerroum, Mcd Ait, Hammouch, Aef g h
JournalInternational Review on Computers and Software

Segmentation is an essential step for many Arabic handwritten Text recognition systems. It has a direct impact on the efficiency of subsequent steps in the recognition process such as feature extraction and classification, which strongly affects overall recognition performance. This paper presents a novel algorithm for off-line handwritten Arabic word segmentation into subwords. This approach is based on vertical projection and a novel algorithm taking into consideration the characteristics of Arabic script. The proposed method has been successfully tested on the IFN/ENIT database and the results show the effectiveness of our approach in segmenting and isolating sub-words efficiently. © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. -All rights reserved.




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