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Enhancing Business Process Modeling with Context and Ontology

TitreEnhancing Business Process Modeling with Context and Ontology
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsEl-Bouroumi, J, Guermah, H, Nassar, M
JournalInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Mots-clésBusiness Process, Business process modeling, Context, Context ontology, Context- awareness, Exponentials, Metamodeling, New approaches, Ontology, Ontology's, Process engineering, Sequence of events, Systems engineering, Ubiquitous computing

Business process is a sequence of events and tasks that encompass actions and people. Therefore, a company that pays much attention to its business processes has to clearly identify and define the procedures of their relations. However, with the exponential evolution in ubiquitous computing, the exploitation of information spread all over different devices has become essential to further improve business processes. Hence, inthis paper we present a new approach for business process modeling that is based on context-awareness and ontology. We propose a set of meta-model for the elements that we find very important, taking into account the context and, in modeling, the business process. To validate our approach, we propose a concrete case study about transport system to provide a proof of the applicability as well as the utility of the model © 2021. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. All Rights Reserved.




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