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Ensemble blood glucose prediction in diabetes mellitus: A review

TitreEnsemble blood glucose prediction in diabetes mellitus: A review
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsWadghiri, MZ, Idri, A, T. Idrissi, E, Hakkoum, H
JournalComputers in Biology and Medicine
Mots-clésalgorithm, Algorithms, Blood, Blood glucose, Blood glucose level, Data mining, Diabetes mellitus, Digital libraries, Economic and social effects, Ensemble methods, Forecasting, Glucose, glucose blood level, Glucose dynamics, human, Humans, Machine learning, Machine learning techniques, Machine-learning, Performance, Single models, Trade off

Considering the complexity of blood glucose dynamics, the adoption of a single model to predict blood glucose level does not always capture the inter- and intra-patients’ context changes. Ensembles are a set of machine learning techniques combining multiple single learners to find a better variance/bias trade-off and hence improve the prediction accuracy. The present paper aims to review the state of the art in predicting blood glucose using ensemble methods with regard to 8 criteria: publication year and sources, datasets used to train/evaluate the models, types of ensembles used, single learners involved to construct ensembles, combination schemes used to aggregate the base learners, metrics and validation methods adopted to assess the performance of ensembles, reported overall performance of the predictors and accuracy comparison of ensemble techniques with single models. A systematic literature review has been conducted in order to analyze and synthetize primary studies published between 2000 and 2020 in six digital libraries. A total of 32 primary papers were selected and reviewed with regard to eight review questions. The results show that ensembles have gained wider interest during the last years and improved in general the performance compared with other single models. However, multiple gaps have been identified concerning the ensembles construction process and the performance metrics used. Several recommendations have been made in this regard to design accurate ensembles for blood glucose level prediction. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd




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