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Ensemble case based reasoning imputation in breast cancer classification

TitreEnsemble case based reasoning imputation in breast cancer classification
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsChlioui, I, Idri, A, Abnane, I, EZZAT, M
JournalJournal of Information Science and Engineering
Mots-clésAccuracy rate, Breast Cancer, Breast cancer classifications, Cancer classifier, Case based reasoning, Case-based reasoning imputation, Casebased reasonings (CBR), Classification (of information), Data handling, Decision trees, Diseases, Ensemble, Missing at randoms, Missing data, Nearest neighbor search, Parameters tuning, Support vector machines

Missing Data (MD) is a common drawback that affects breast cancer classification. Thus, handling missing data is primordial before building any breast cancer classifier. This paper presents the impact of using ensemble Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) imputation on breast cancer classification. Thereafter, we evaluated the influence of CBR using parameter tuning and ensemble CBR (E-CBR) with three missingness mechanisms (MCAR: Missing completely at random, MAR: Missing at random and NMAR: not missing at random) and nine percentages (10% to 90%) on the accuracy rates of five classifiers: Decision trees, Random forest, K-nearest neighbor, Support vector machine and Multi-layer perceptron over two Wisconsin breast cancer datasets. All experiments were implemented using Weka JAVA API code 3.8; SPSS v20 was used for statistical tests. The findings confirmed that E-CBR yields to better results compared to CBR for the five classifiers. The MD percentage affects negatively the classifier performance: As the MD percentage increases, the accuracy rates of the classifier decrease regardless the MD mechanism and technique. RF with E-CBR outperformed all the other combinations (MD technique, classifier) with 89.72% for MCAR, 87.08% for MAR and 86.84% for NMAR. © 2021 Institute of Information Science. All rights reserved.




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