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ESB based communication in the connectivist learning environment - CLE

TitreESB based communication in the connectivist learning environment - CLE
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsBelarcen, A, Abik, M, Ajroun, R
Conference Name2013 3rd International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb

CLE [1] «Connectivist Learning Environment» is a clouded and ubiquitous learning environment conceived by our research team LeRMA « Learning and Research in Mobile Age». This environment adopts the connectivism as a pedagogical approach and aims to construct knowledge through collaboration and communication between heterogeneous communities composed of humans and smart objects. The objective of our work is to provide for our ubiquitous environment CLE a service-based communication (where each actor in the environment is represented by a set of services). As an implementation, we opted to use an ESB «Enterprise Service Bus» in the SOA layer of CLE. This ESB includes the actors' services, business services, SLA services for a better quality of service and the bus will be used for connectivity, routing, processing and conversion. Through this proposition, we ensure a better communication between nodes (humans, smart objects and controller unit) and an efficient knowledge construction. © 2013 IEEE.




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