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An example of a big data solution implementation

TitreAn example of a big data solution implementation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBenbrahim, Ha, Khalaf, Ib, Kassou, Ia
Conference NameProceedings of the 27th International Business Information Management Association Conference - Innovation Management and Education Excellence Vision 2020: From Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth, IBIMA 2016

Over the last decade, digital data has known an incredible growth. Several businesses have taken advantage of this data abundance, and have moved their decision making strategy from hypothesis driven to data driven approaches. Therefore, new solutions are needed to store and access this big data, then infer knowledge out of it and make it available to managers. In this paper, we will discuss briefly the different issues that should be taken into consideration for implementing a Big Data framework in companies. Then a solution implementation for a Middle East gas and oil distribution company will be presented. Copyright © 2016 International Business Information Management Association




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