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Formal Modeling and Validation of Micro Smart Grids Based on ReDy Architecture

TitreFormal Modeling and Validation of Micro Smart Grids Based on ReDy Architecture
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsHafdi, K, Kriouile, A
Conference NameProceedings of 2020 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2020
Mots-clésArtificial intelligence, Binary alloys, Cloud computing, Dysprosium alloys, Electric power transmission networks, Formal analysis, Formal model, Internet of things, IOT applications, IOT networks, Microgrids, Model checking, Model-checking techniques, Network architecture, Power grids, Rhenium alloys, Smart grid, Smart power grids, Technological solution

Several cities in the world are moving from traditional power grid to Smart Grids. In order to set up Smart Grids, we should be able to face many challenges related to reliability, scalability, dynamism, technological solutions, security, etc. In this paper, we propose a case study where we model a micro Smart Grid according to the ReDy architecture, which is intended for IoT applications. The ReDy architecture provides a base to implement a scalable, reliable, and dynamic IoT network ready to meet Smart Grid needs. In order to prove those requirements, we opted for formal modeling and validation approach using model checking techniques. This formal analysis is carried out using the CADP toolbox. © 2020 IEEE.




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