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The functional of a mobile agent system to enhance DoS and DDoS detection in cloud

TitreThe functional of a mobile agent system to enhance DoS and DDoS detection in cloud
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSaidi, Aa, Kartit, Ab, Bendriss, Ec, Marraki, MaEl
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research

The availability of services is one of the metrics that affect the attractiveness of Cloud providers. Gartner has published on its website Cloud Harmony a summary of outages underwent by 75 american Cloud providers in 2014; Amazon and Google were particularly noticed with respectively 2 and 3,46 hours of outage of their PaaS platform named respectively EC2 and Compute Engine [1]. In this paper, we propose a mobile agent system to detect the first signs of DoS/DDoS flooding attacks on Cloud environment. © 2016, Research India Publications.




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